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- : Infilled frame, masonry infill, stiffener, gap elements, equivalent diagonal strut width 1
- Accident, Exchange information, Vehicular Communication, Wireless 1
- ACER, DDPG, Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Autonomous Driving 1
- Adam optimizer 1
- Adversarial Learning, LSTM, Neural Network, XL-Net, Transformer XL, 1
- Age-specific fertility rate, Lomax, Peak flow, Reliability analysis, Waiting time. 1
- Alpaca 1
- Ambient Vibration test, Equivalent spring support, Soil stiffness, Soil Structure interaction 1
- Ambient vibration, fundamental time period, Fast Fourier Transform(FFT), geophone, RC building 1
- Ambient Vibration|In-situ test|Traditional construction|masonry in mud mortar|joist-to-wall connections|timber wedge 1
- apartment, occupancy ratio, society office. 1
- API, Extension, Online Price Comparison, Web Scrapping, Web Mining 1
- Architecture & Heritage 1
- Automated Scheduling 1
- Balanced Cross-Section, Sub-Himalayan, mid-western, MFT, MBT 1
- Bamboo|Experimental Analysis|Physical Properties|Mechanical Properties and Design. 1
- Bandwidth management, CoovaChilli, Freeradius,WISPr 1
- Base shear, Displacement, Drift ratio, Seismic Parameters, Shear wall, Time period. 1
- Batch normalization Categorical cross-entropy 1