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Authors: Pramesh Bhaila (730253)
Saraswati Bist (730280)
Subarna K.C (730286)
Sajan Shrestha (730298)
Advisor: Er. Rajesh Sapkota
Keywords: Hydropower
Issue Date: 2021
College Name: Khwopa Engineering College
Level: Bachelor's Degree
Degree: BE Civil
Department Name: Department of Civil Engineering
Abstract: The Upper Bheri Hydropower Project is a run-off-river hydropower project located in Dolpa District. The project has an installed capacity of 100.351 MW with design discharge of 16.599 m3 /s and will be able to generate 479.04 GWh of energy annually. The prefeasibility study has been carried out to establish a technical and a financial viability of the project at initial level. Based on the pre-feasibility study, we can urge if or if not the project will be financial benifical and feasibility study is perform based on outcome of the prefeasibility study. The total cost of the project is expected to be NRs. 14,903,146,878. An economic analysis of the project has been carried out based on availability of the funds for construction and present payment of the energy made by NEA to other plants similar to this project. The B/C ratio of the project is 1.929 and the IRR is 11.22% based on the energy price of NRs. 8.40/unit in dry season and NRs. 4.80/unit in wet season. The payback period for the project is 10.32 years. The analysis shows that the project is economically viable.
Appears in Collections:PU Civil Report

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