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Authors: KAREENA SHRESTHA (760227) NAMRATA MAKAJU (760232)
Advisor: Er. Saroj Phaiju
Issue Date: 2024
College Name: Khwopa Engineering College
Level: Bachelor's Degree
Degree: BE Civil
Department Name: Department of Civil
Abstract: This report has been set up as a piece of undertaking work to satisfy the prerequisite of course syllabus recommended to civil engineering final year by institute of engineering. It is an endeavour to set up this report, every one of the works required for auxiliary plan of the task work. The reason set out this task isn?t just to satisfy the necessity of our course syllabus yet additionally make accessible to the understudy network. This report manages different perspectives under heading ?STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF STEEL FREAMED RESIDENTAL BULIDING.? In the report, we have attempted to depict detail calculation part and present significant architectural drawing and detail drawing of the structural member (steel section and their specific connection), and reinforcement bars. The report consists of different section covering most of the subject matter regarding the topic. Special care has been made given to analysis of lateral force. The vivid use of computer, software has lessened the burden of repeated calculation on analysis behaviour, manual step-by-step procedure is necessary. Due to the time constraint and familiarity with the modern technologies, structural is performed using computer software ?ETABS 2016?, yet the design was performed manually. Although greater prominence has been taken to make the report free from errors, yet any errors brought to our notice and constructive criticism shall be heartily welcomed.
Appears in Collections:PU Civil Report

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