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Authors: Pratistha Koju (760245) Rajib Machamasi (760250) Sabin Prajapati (760263) Sushil Ulak (760291)
Advisor: Er. Sudip Karanjit
Issue Date: 2024
College Name: Khwopa Engineering College
Level: Bachelor's Degree
Degree: BE Civil
Department Name: Department of Civil
Abstract: To introduce the students with the real civil engineering practice and to give them confidence, ability to tackle problems related to civil engineering and idea of practical working in professional field with the application of theoretical knowledge gained during the whole four years, there is a provision of project work in the syllabus of Purbanchal University on the final semester of bachelor's degree program. This project entitled "Structural Analysis and Design of Commercial Building" is the one prepared by a group of four students in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering subject entitled "Civil Engineering Project (BEG 457 CI)" in Second Semester, Fourth Year. The main aim of the project is to achieve the level of knowledge and practical understanding required to analyze and design high rise building. The project is intended for structural analysis and design of commercial buildings in terms of safety, serviceability and economy. The project incorporates all the stages of structural analysis and design through the determination of loading parameters, preliminary design of the structural members, structural analysis and detailed design. Loads on building have been determined using respective IS code and they have been distributed accordingly. Preliminary design consists of assessment of dimension of structural members such as beam, column and slab based on basic building dimensions and provision in IS code. Due to various loading conditions, stresses develop in the structural members. Structural analysis is done in these members to analyze the stresses, deformations and deflections developed. Response Spectrum Analysis has been adopted for the analysis of building. The modeling of the building is done in computer program ETABS which also provides an interface for performing various analysis under normal and lateral loading. Detail structural design of the members is also carried out for such critical loading and detail drawing of all the structural members according to the design is done. The results of calculation are presented in tabular form and sample calculations are provided in details to reduce the bulkiness of the report. Sufficient figure and sketches have been introduced to illustrate the theories. Reference to the appropriate clauses of standard codes of practices has been made wherever necessary. This report is the outcome of hard work and perseverance. Any opinions, suggestions or criticism for the project would be prolific.
Appears in Collections:PU Civil Report

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