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Title: Pre-Feasibility Study of Lapchi Hydropower Project
Authors: Lazzesh Shrestha (760229) Riya Shrestha (760256) Royal Prajapati (760258) Sarika Khulimuli (760274) Silan Shrestha (760281)
Advisor: Er.Bibek Thapa; Er.Agraj Khakurel
Issue Date: 2024
College Name: Khwopa Engineering College
Level: Bachelor's Degree
Degree: BE Civil
Department Name: Department of Civil
Abstract: Lapchi Hydropower Project is located at Lamabagar of Dolakha district, situated approximately 213.2 km from Kathmandu. The project area is in close proximity to a vegetated water source. It is a run-off river type project with the design discharge 18.038 m3/s. The installed capacity is 20.328 MW. The components lie on the right bank of river. The components in this project are Headworks (Weir, Divide wall, Intake, Gravel Trap, Approach Tunnel, Flushing Tunnel, Settling Basin, Headrace Tunnel), Surge Shaft, and Powerhouse with two units of Francis turbine each of capacity 10.164 MW. It has a net head of 130 m. The dry and wet season total energy production are 18.63 GWh and 99.46 GWh respectively. It is expected to be developed on total cost of NRs. 3,775,765,182.89 with B/C ratio of 1.098, modified B/C ratio of 1.132 and IRR of 15 %. The payback period is 6.511 years. Hence the project is considered as feasible. The project is focused on hydraulic design of civil structures and outlining its arrangements regarding their size with respect to the locality constraints and suitability.
Appears in Collections:PU Civil Report

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