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Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Cost Estimation of Nec to Saraswatikhel Road
Authors: Prabesh Mani Chaudhary (760241) Rijan Katwal (760254) Rijan Rai (760255) Sudip Tamang (760285) Yugal Karki (760296)
Advisor: Er. Sarita prajapati
Issue Date: 2024
College Name: Khwopa Engineering College
Level: Bachelor's Degree
Degree: BE Civil
Department Name: Department of Civil
Abstract: Nepal�s road transport is crucial for socio economic development and is the primary means of the transportation. Nepal�s road transport is crucial for socio economic development and is the primary means of the transportation. The government launches the road project to facilitate the movement of peple and goods, resulting in the significant economic expenditure in the road development sector of the country. Our Road project aims to design and construct road in Changunarayan Municipality which starts from Nepal Engineering College(NEC) to Saraswatikhel, which is approximately around 2207.636 m and the overall cost estimation of the designed road using SW Road V2 software. The work was carried out through topographic survey of the section using open traverse method by total Station. With the help of SW Roads V2 software, Contour map of the place was created. Pavement is designed by IRC 37 : 2001 catalogues after conducting CBR test of sub grade soil of Seven different sample. For the design of District Road , We follow Nepal Road Standard 2070 and for quantity and cost estimation, we use DoR guideline and district rate. The aim of final project work is to achieve the level of knowledge and practical understanding how to construct and design road and its overall cost estimation. This report is an outcome of hard work and perseverance. Any opinions, suggestions or criticism for the project would be fruitful.
Appears in Collections:PU Civil Report

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