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Authors: Abhishek Shrestha Angus Bhattarai Nabin Jamkatel Sujan Gyapak
Advisor: Er. Roshan Pokharel
Issue Date: 2024
College Name: Khwopa Engineering College
Level: Bachelor's Degree
Degree: BE Electronics and Communication Engineering
Department Name: Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Abstract: The population worldwide presents growing challenge for healthcare systems, necessitating innovative solutions to enhance the quality of health service. This report introduces patient information management and health monitoring system. This project integrates different parameters of health with raspberry pi and shows output through LCD as well as website and for patient information management as well. The sensors involved for integrating this system are MAX30102, DS18B20, and AD8232. Raspberry pi acts as CPU. The portable embedded device, equipped with various sensors, continuously collect vital signs such as heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, body temperature and ECG signal. It analyzes the data and shows in the LCD. The system alerts the patients if the health condition is abnormal through buzzing device and website. The system is made so as that it is accessible to the patients. A database for storing the patient information and health data obtained from different sensor. The data stored in the database is fetched in the website in a secure manner and user friendly interface.
Appears in Collections:Electronics & communication Engineering Report

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