Browsing by Author Er. Shova Shrestha

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Advisor(s)CollegeLevelDegreeDepartment
final report Anupa (1) (1).pdf.jpg2021SEISMIC RESISTANT ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF COMMERCIAL BUILDING STRUCTUREBIBEK GOSAIN (740210); DRISTI SHRESTHA (740223); ANUPA KUNWAR (740208); KANCHAN PHUYAL (740233)Er. Shova ShresthaKhwopa Engineering CollegeBachelor's DegreeBE CivilDepartment of Civil
D.1179.pdf.jpg2021SEISMIC RESISTANT ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF COMMERCIAL BUILDING STRUCTUREā€¯BIJAL KARMACHARYA (730218); BIVEK GOSAI (730222); KAPIL PRAJAPATI (730233); KRIJAN GOSAI (730237)Er. Shova ShresthaKhwopa Engineering CollegeBachelor's DegreeBE CivilDepartment of Civil Engineering
24STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF A COMMERCIAL BUILDING STRUCTURERama Matang (760251)Er. Shova ShresthaKhwopa Engineering CollegeBachelor's DegreeBE CivilDepartment of Civil