Browsing by Author Er. Sarita prajapati

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Advisor(s)CollegeLevelDegreeDepartment
Final_Year_Project_.pdf.jpg2024Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Cost Estimation of Nec to Saraswatikhel RoadPrabesh Mani Chaudhary (760241) Rijan Katwal (760254) Rijan Rai (760255) Sudip Tamang (760285) Yugal Karki (760296)Er. Sarita prajapatiKhwopa Engineering CollegeBachelor's DegreeBE CivilDepartment of Civil
Group K (report pdf).pdf.jpg2024Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Cost Estimation of Changu Phedi to Khadka Dil RoadSujan Phuyal (760287) Supendra Raj Shakya (760288) Suraj Khadka (760289) Ujjwal Rai (760293)Er. Sarita prajapatiKhwopa Engineering CollegeBachelor's DegreeBE CivilDepartment of Civil